sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

4º BILINGÜE 2013-2014

4. The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire


1.      What is a constitutional monarchy?

2.      What is a republic?

3.      What was the French Revolution?

4.      What is the bourgeoisie?

5.      What was the Estates General?

6.      How was Estates General organized?

7.      Explain the French economic crisis in the 18th century.

8.      Why were the nobility and the clergy discontented with the king?

9.      A synonym for upper middle class.

10.   A synonym for lower middle class.

11.   Which groups have the middle class?

12.   Why was the bourgeoisie disgruntled?

13.   Why was the petite bourgeoisie annoyed?

14.   What did economic problems suffer the French peasants by the late 18th century?

15.   What was the objective of the Estates General meeting in 1789?

16.   What did changes propose the Third Estate in the voting system? Was this proposal accepted? What was the reaction of the members of Third Estate?

17.   What happened on 14 July 1789 at Paris?

18.   Which laws were passed by the Constituent Assembly to calm the urban and rural uprisings? Long explanation.

19.   What were the feudal rights?

20.   What was royal answer to the new situation?

21.   Short explanation about French constitution of 1791.

22.   What groups formed the Legislative Assembly? Long explanation.

23.   Who was a sans-culotte?

24.   What was the assembly’s name during the First French Republic?

25.   Why did European absolute monarchs create the First Coalition?

26.   Explain the Terror.

27.   The Jacobin dictatorship was substituted by the…which was a new government composed of…members.

28.  When Napoleon was declared Emperor of France?

29.  Explain the characteristics of the Napoleonic Civil Code?

30.  How did Napoleon expand his empire?

31.  How did Napoleon treat his conquests?

32.  Why was Bonaparte defeated in 1812?
Imágenes de la retirada de las tropas de Napoleón desde Rusia:

33.  What did the victorious powers act after the Napoleonic defeat?

34.  What was the main consequence of the French Revolution?

35.  What political changes did the French Revolution bring about?

36.  Explain the economic changes produced by the French Revolution.

37.  When did the estates system end?

38.  When did Charles IV become king of Spain?
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Francisco_de_Goya_y_Lucientes_054.jpg Retrato de la familia de Carlos IV pintado por Goya entre 1800 y 1801. Aparecen el rey, la reina, sus hijos y a la izquierda en la penumbra el autor del cuadro se retrata a sí mismo.

39.  Who was the main minister of Charles IV?

40.  When was the Battle of Trafalgar?
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/Battle_of_Trafalgar_Poster_1805.jpg Propaganda británica de su victoria en Trafalgar

41.  Investigate these questions:

-       What town is near Cape Trafalgar?

-       Who led the British navy in the battle?

-       In what town is the Trafalgar Square?

42.  Why did Napoleon invade Portugal?

43.  Explain the Treaty of Fontainebleau.

44.  What did Charles IV and his son Ferdinand VII do in the French town of Bayonne?

45.  Who was named king of Spain by Napoleon in 1808?

46.  When did the Spanish War of Independence begin?

47.  Name in alphabetical order the battles of the Spanish War of Independence seen in the map.

48.  What was the only free town in Spain during the war?

49.  What country helped Spain during the war?

50.  Explain the concept of guerrilla.
A continuación varios grabados en los que Goya dibujó lo que vió durante la Guerra de Independencia:
"¿Qué hay que hacer más?"
"No quieren"
51.  How many years did the Spanish War of Independence last?

52.  Explain the Napoleonic government in Spain.

53.  What was the Central Council? What were its functions?

54.  What institution replaced/substituted the Central Council?

55.  Explain the Constitution of Cadiz.








Middle class- bourgeoisie and petite bourgeoisie

Siglo siendo el rey

Fuga de varennes video

Video pagina 81 serie erase una vez

Pagina 81, 11

Crisis subsistencia

Fechas de cada etapa, dos convenciones girondina y jacobina

Los desastres de la guerra

Junta central revolución en España.



Bloqueo continental

Trafalgar y austerlitz


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