jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

4º E.S.O. 8. The First World War and the Russian Revolution

8. The First World War and the Russian Revolution

1.     What were the main causes of the First World War?

2.     What was the spark for First World War?

3.     What were the Central Powers?

4.     What were the Allied Powers?

5.     Why did Italy betray its allies of the Triple Alliance?

6.     What countries formed the Tripe Entente?

7.     Mention the phases of First World War.

8.     When did United States enter in First World War?

9.     Why did Russia leave the First World War?

10.  What events led to the German defeat?

11.  Explain the war economy during the First World War.

12.  What new inventions were developed thanks to First World War?

13.  What were the two effects of male conscription during the First World War? Think about it.

14.  How did the governments answer to the goods shortage problem during the First World War?

15.  What was the role of women during the First World War?

16.  What tool was used by governments to make conscription easier?

17.  What did the suffragettes like?

18.  Why did the suffragists obtain their objective after the First World War? Think about it.

19.  Where were the peace conditions established?

20.  What conditions did Germany have to accept in the treaty of Versailles?

21.  What was the name of the land strip that gave a sea exit to Poland?

22.  Why did German people call the Treaty of Versailles a Diktat?

23.  What was the main objective of the League of Nations?

24.  What were the first problems of the League of Nations?

25.  What infrastructures were destroyed during the First World War?

26.  What were the economic consequences of the First World War?

27.  What empires disappeared after the First World War?

28.  Look at the map in page 166. Which new states separated from the Russian Empire after First World War?

29.  Look at the map in page 166. What independent countries formed in the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the First World War?

30.  Look at the map in page 166. Which new states substituted the Ottoman Empire after the First World War?

31.  What were the mandate territories?

32.  What were the Russian empire’s characteristics in the early 20th century?

33.  What happened in 1903 in Russia?

34.  What was the origin of the revolution of 1905? Investigate it. Use the blog.

35.  What was a soviet? We like a expanded answer.

36.  What were the causes of Russian people’s disgust during the First World War?

37.  How did the Russian Revolution begin?

38.  What were the Russian provisional government’s decisions?

39.  What party led the coup in October 1917 in Russia?

40.  What was the first decision of Lenin when he took power in Russia?

41.  What new countries took their independence after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? Read the previous questions.

42.  Why did not Germany occupy these nations? Think about it.

43.  What was the name of the counter-revolutionaries during the Russian Civil War?

44.  What government was supported by Red Army during the Russian Civil War?

45.  How many years old was Alfonso XIII when he became king? Investigate it.

46.  How many years Alfonso XIII ruled Spain? Investigate it.

47.  What were the main political parties during the Bourbon restoration?

48.  Why did the Bourbon restoration begin to collapse?

49.  What were the opposition political parties during the first third of the nineteenth century in Spain?

50.  What was the Mancomunidad de Cataluña? When did it appear?

51.  What were the main trade unions during the first third of the nineteenth century in Spain?

52.  Why did Spanish government like to rebuild its empire?

53.  Search information about Tragic Week. Investigate it. I will question you about the details.

54.  When did the Spanish protectorate in Morocco begin?

55.  When did Barranco del Lobo ambush happen? Investigate it. Read a Spanish article.

56.  What European countries dominated Morocco in the first half of the 20th century?

57.  Explain the Battle of Annual. Investigate it. I will question you about the details.

58.  Why didn’t Spain participate in the First World War?

59.  What were the effects of the First World War in Spain?

60.  What happened in Spain after First World War?

61.  Explain the general economic and social situation in Spain during Alfonso XIII’s reign.

62.  How was the football introduced to Spain? Can you relate this with the Industrial Revolution in the country?

63.  Why was the military criticized by public opinion during Alfonso XIII’s reign?

64.  Explain the compulsory military service in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century.

65.  Explain the coup d’état led by Primo de Rivera.




1.      The primary sector today


2.      How much of the world’s total active population works in the primary sector?

3.      Which economic sectors grew in last decades?

4.      What percentage of the total world production (GDP or Gross Domestic Production) comes from the primary sector?

5.      What percentage of the active population in developed countries works in the primary sector?

6.      How is the primary sector in developed countries?

7.      How is the primary sector in developing countries?

8.      What are countries with more active population in primary sector?

9.      How is the agricultural productivity in developing countries?

10.  Which are its consequences?

11.  Which are the human factors in agriculture?

12.  Which are the physical factors in agriculture?

13.  What happens if population size grows?

14.  Name the farming techniques in developed countries.

15.  What is the final destination of production in subsistence agriculture?

16.  What is the final destination of production in commercial agriculture?

17.  Name the agricultural policies.

18.  What are the objectives of the environmental policies?

19.  How does the temperature influence the growth of crops?

20.  Which elements of relief influence in agriculture?

21.  Which characteristics of the soil are important for farming?



3. Commercial agriculture in developed countries


1.      Explain the agricultural revolution.

2.      What’s the main goal of commercial agriculture?

3.      Mention the three main characteristics of commercial agriculture.

4.      What’s the agricultural specialization?

5.      What are the modern farming methods?

6.      What are the effects of commercial agriculture?

7.      What are the benefits of commercial agriculture?

8.      What are the costs of commercial agriculture?

9.      Why do rich/developed countries give subsidies to their farmers?

10.  What are the effects of subsidized agriculture in poor/less developed countries?

11.  What is the traditional agriculture?

12.  How does polyculture work?

13.  Why is the productivity low in traditional agriculture?

14.  What is plantation agriculture?

15.  Explain present-day situation of plantations in developing countries.

16.  What are the requirements of plantations?

17.  What are the three main characteristics of plantation agriculture?

18.  How do the multinationals gain money by locating their plantations in developing countries?

19.  How do the establishment of plantations by multinationals benefit less developed countries?

20.  What are the disadvantages of plantation agricultures for less developed countries?

21.  Look at the document 16. What happened with the prices of natural resources in the last forty years?

22.  Look at the document 17. Why did the wheat prices change in the last ten years?

23.  What is livestock farming?

24.  How did selective breeding affect livestock farming?

25.  Why is easier today to transport meat from livestock than a century ago?

26.  What are the characteristics of extensive livestock farming?

27.  Where is extensive livestock farming common?

28.  What are the characteristics of intensive livestock farming?

29.  Where is intensive livestock farming common?

30.  How does livestock farming damage the environment?

31.  What is forestry?

32.  Where is most of the wood produced?

33.  What three elements define agricultural landscapes?

34.  Which two crop production systems exist? Explain them.

35.  Explain the use of water in agriculture. Think about it.

36.  What is the crop diversity?

37.  What are the types of rural habitats?

38.  How is a scattered community?

39.  How is a concentrated community?

40.  Why are the concentrated communities more common?

41.  What is fishing?

42.  What types of fishing exist?

43.  Explain the coastal fishing.

44.  Explain the inshore fishing.

45.  Explain the offshore or commercial fishing.

46.  What fishing techniques are dangerous for life in the sea?

47.  What are the fishing grounds? Where are they? Why?

48.  Explain the laws about commercial fishing.

49.  Why is commercial fishing disappearing?

50.  Explain the aquaculture.