martes, 29 de enero de 2013

7. Capitalism and imperialism vocabulary

  1. Copiad el texto en una hoja nueva del archivador. [opción ordenador].
  2. Colocad al lado de cada concepto su traducción al inglés, que aparecerá en un recuadro azul de KEY WORDS del tema.
  3. Por último, escribid en orden alfabético los conceptos en inglés con su significado correspondiente. El lunes 4 de febrero lo vemos.
  4. Añadid este concepto: Fuel oil = a petroleum product used as a fuel in domestic heating, industrial furnaces, marine engines, etc.

Acción, participación

Acero inoxidable


Anticuado, pasado de moda


Beneficio, provecho


Bolsa de valores


Cadena de montaje o línea de ensamblado

Cambio de siglo



Cine mudo



Conscripción, servicio militar obligatorio


Cooperativa de crédito o caja rural










Fuerza de trabajo, personal


Ganar (cobrar)


Hormigón armado




Materia prima

Ocio, tiempo libre



Política (concreta)







Segregación racial


jueves, 24 de enero de 2013

7. Capitalism and imperialism





1.             Why did Europe experience a period of tense international relations between 1870 and 1914?

2.             Why did Spain become a second-class power in 19th century?

3.             What did European countries search for in its colonies?

4.             What new artistic styles appeared in second half of 19th century?




5.             What was the last war between European powers in nineteenth century?

6.             What were the two phases in German foreign policy during the period from 1870 to 1914?

7.             What was the Weltpolitik? Who began the Weltpolitik?




8.             The First Spanish Republic began in 1868 and ended in…

9.             What were the official political parties during the Bourbon restoration?

10.         When was the restoration constitution passed?

11.         Between which years did the Third Carlist War happen?

12.         Why was Maria Christina regent for her son?

13.         Which territories were lost for Spain as a result of Spanish-American War of 1898?

14.         What was the political consequence of Spanish defeat in the Spanish-American War?

15.         What were the economic consequences of Spanish defeat in the Spanish-American War?

16.         Why was the compulsory military service unfair in Spain during Bourbon restoration?




17.         The industrial capitalism was based in…

18.         The finance capitalism was based in…

19.         What new sources of energy appeared in second half of 19th century?

20.         What did Aristide Bergès invent? Who was Bergès? Investigate him.

21.         Who invented the electric light bulb? When was it?

22.         Where was this invention used?

23.         What new fuels originate in second half of 19th century?

24.         Where was the first oil refinery built? When was it?

25.         What was Rockefeller’s company?

26.         What invention was essential for the success of oil companies?

27.         Mention some German electronics companies in this period?

28.         Why did food industries grow in this period?

29.         Which goods were produced for the chemical industry in the second half of 19th century?

30.         Who invented the dynamite? Investigate it.

31.         How did business owners obtain finance in the second half of 19th century?

32.         What is the stock exchange?

33.         What is a share?

34.         What is a cartel?

35.         What are the trusts?

36.         What are the holding companies?




37.         What were the positive consequences of finance capitalism?

38.         What were the negative consequences of finance capitalism?

39.         Explain the consumer culture that appeared at the end of the nineteenth century?

40.         What were the effects of economic crisis?

41.         What were the causes of economic crisis at the second half of the 19th century?




42.         Where did the process of industrialization spread out of Europe?

43.         What is the turn-of-the-century?

44.         Which countries were the world’s biggest industrial producers by the turn-of-the-century?

45.         What was the main industrial sector in Germany?

46.         What was the Bessemer converter?

47.         What were the lesser industrial sectors in Germany?

48.         When had the United States industrialized?

49.         Where did the American expanded work-force arrive from?

50.         What is the work-force?

51.         How were the two American coasts united?

52.         How did the Japanese government participate in the Japanese industrialization?

53.         Why did it?

54.         Why did Great Britain cease to be the world factory during this period?

55.         What two Spanish areas were industrialized?

56.         In what sectors?

57.         An example for foreign capital investments in Spain in this period?




58.         What were the main factors which led to imperial expansion?

59.         What were the imperial powers searching for in their colonies?

60.         What non material profits were searched for by colonial powers?

61.         Why did the European powers compete?

62.         Why did unemployment grow in Europe in the second half of nineteen century?

63.         Why did many working-class people emigrate to the colonies?

64.         Why did some governments encourage emigration?

65.         What was the situation of native people in European colonies?

66.         What was the racial segregation?

67.         What influence did imperial expansion have on the origins of the First World War?

68.         Why did world economy become imbalanced due to colonial expansion?




69.         Explain the inequalities between social classes generated by finance capitalism in European countries in the turn-of-the-century?

70.         When did the consumer society originate?

71.         What was the essence of the new consumer society?

72.         What were the characteristics of new-born consumerism?

73.         What were printed advertisements used for?

74.         What new products were luxury items when they were invented?

75.         What types of tourism existed in the Belle Époque?

76.         What was the Belle Époque? Investigation.

77.         How were the films in their beginning?

78.         What was the main objective of design?

79.         How was the daily life for members of working class in the Belle Époque?

80.         In the 19th century emigration was forced or voluntary? Why?

81.         What’s a strike?

82.         What’s a trade union?
83. When did the Spanish Socialist Party appear?
84. When did UGT appear?
85. What was the Regenerationism?
86. What historical event caused the Regenerationism?
87. What were the main objectives of credit unions in late nineteenth century in Spain?
88. Give two examples of Anarchist violence. Investigate it.

Comprensión lectora

domingo, 20 de enero de 2013



1. What is economic activity?
What are economic activities?
What are the three phases of economic activity?
What is production?
What is distribution?
What is consumption?
What is barter? Give two examples.
Where and when were the first metal coins made?
Where and when did paper money appear?
When was the paper money used in Europe?
What do you use if you don't have cash?


2. What are economic activities?

1.      What are the activities in the primary sector?

2.      What are the activities in the secondary sector?

3.      What are the activities in the tertiary sector?

4.      Is fishing an activity of the service sector? Why?


3. Who contributes to economic activity?

1.      What three factors contribute to economic activity?

2.      What are the people’s functions in economic activity? Short answer.

3.      How do people participate in production?

4.      What is the companies’ objective for producing goods and services?

5.      People work in exchange for…

6.      Fill in the blanks:

Limited company, private, public, sole proprietorship, state-owned


Ownership of companies
Privately-owned companies
A company is owned by the government
A company is owned by shares buyers
A company is owned by a person


7.      How do we calculate a company’s profit?

8.      What are the economic functions of the state?


4. What makes production possible?                                      

1.      What are the production factors?

2.      What are the renewable resources?

3.      What are the non-renewable resources?

4.      What is capital in a company?

5.      What is physical capital?

6.      What is human capital?

7.      What is financial capital?

8.      Why does productivity increase? Hard question. Three points.

9.      What are the differences between manual methods and mechanical procedures? Hard question. Three points.

10.  How can technological advances help companies?

11.  What factors are necessary to achieve a modern and competitive economy in a country?

12.  What is know-how?

13.  The work is necessary to…

14.  How do we measure the productivity of a worker?

15.  What are the productivity factors?


5. Population and work.

1.      Who is the economically active population?

2.      What is the difference between employed people and unemployed people?

3.      What are another two characteristics of unemployed people?

4.      Who is the economically inactive population?

5.      What are the types of paid employment? Short answer.

6.      What is an employment contract? Difficult question. Three points.

7.      What conditions are included in an employment agreement?

8.      What concept regulates the working conditions?

9.      Who are represented by confederations of employers?

10.  Who are represented by labor unions?

11.  What concept represents the workers in Panrico factory?

12.  Why does cyclical unemployment occur?

13.  Why does seasonal unemployment occur?

14.  Why does structural unemployment occur?

15.  Why does technological unemployment occur?

16.  What are the negative effects of the unemployment? Short answer.

17.  What is the underground economy?

18.  What are the demographic effects of unemployment?


6. How are economic activities organized?

1.      An economic system is a method to organize…

2.      What are the main economic systems in the world?

3.      Definition of subsistence systems. Short answer.

4.      What do the people do at local markets in subsistence systems?

5.      A synonym for communist systems.

6.      Who is the owner of the means of production in communist systems?

7.      Who organizes the economy in centrally-planned systems? How does it work? Hard question.

8.      Which countries live nowadays in communist systems?

9.      A synonym for free market system?

10.  What are the main characteristics of the free market system?

11.  What are the means of production?

12.  Why is private profit important for economic activity in capitalist systems?

13.  How does the law of supply and demand work?

14.  What is the meaning of free competition in capitalist system?

15.  What is a monopoly? Not the game, please.

16.  What is an oligopoly?

17.  Why do monopolies and oligopolies break the law of supply and demand?

18.  How does the free competition in the free market affect the prices?

19.  Why do the prices increase when the demand increases?

20.  What is the most widespread economic system?

21.  The mixed system includes aspects of ……………………………… plus a …................................