jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

contiuancion interwar crisis ejercicios

1. What is a autoritharian dictatorship?
2. What is a totalitarian regime?
3. What was the main objectives of USSR?
4. What were the common characteristics of fascist Italy and Nazi Germany?
5. What were the characteristics of totalitarian politics?
6. What were the characteristics of totalitarian economy?
7. What were the characteristics of totalitarian society?
8. What were the objectives of expansionist foreign policies of totalitarian regimes?
 9. Look at the map. Name in alphabetical order the European democracies in 1939.
10. When did Lenin die?
11. Explain the Stalinist repression.
12. Explain the soviet planned economy.
13. Was the soviet society a real classless society [communism after Marx]? Why or why not?
14. Explain the Stalinist female policies.
15. What were the economic and social problems that helped extreme right-wing political parties came to power?
16. Who founded National Fascist Party? When?
17. Which ally was neccessary for Mussolini to take power?
18. When was Italy a fascist dictatorship?

19. Explain the Duce's policies?
20. Did Hitler and Mussolini come to power at the same time? Explain it. Your own work.
21. What's a chancellor?
22. What was the Gestapo?
23. What Hitler policies were differents of Mussolini policies?
24. The Nazi ideal women respond to three Ks: Kinder, Kurchen, Kurche. Investigate it.
25. Investigate the Kristallnacht. Eight lines.
26. What common characteristics were there between Mussolini and Primo de Rivera coups?
27.  Which Spanish sectors supported Primo de Rivera coup?
28. What was the cause of disgust in the army during Primo de Rivera's dictatorship?
29. What international event deteriorated Primo's dictatorship?
30. How was the Second Republic born?

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Unit 8. The secondary sector

1.             What are raw materials?

2.             What are energy resources?

3.             What are the origins of raw materials?

4.             Explain the classification of minerals.

5.             What’s mining?

6.             What are the renewable resources?

7.             What are the non-renewable resources?

8.             Explain the history of energies used by humans.

9.             What are the principal energy sources today?

10.         What are the oil and natural gas characteristics?

11.         Why oil pipelines are necessary?

12.         What are the objectives of OPEC? What is the OPEC?

13.         Who controls the refining process?

14.         Who are the biggest consumers of oil in the world? Why?

15.         Look at the map. What countries having enough oil for their requirements?

16.         Why is electricity one of the most widespread forms of energy today?

17.         What other energies provide the electricity? Name them.

18.         What is electricity used for?

19.         What do the power stations produce?

20.         What is the process in the power stations?

21.         What are the fuels used in the power stations?

22.         What produces the nuclear energy?

23.         How is nuclear energy produced?

24.         What western countries have more nuclear power stations?

25.         How does hydroelectric power work?

26.         Why will alternative energy sources be preferable to traditional energy sources?

27.         What are the main alternative energy sources? Name them.

28.         Where are the wind turbines?

29.         Explain thermal solar energy’s process.

30.         Explain photovoltaic energy’s process.

31.         Explain the use of biomass for obtaining electricity.

32.         What problems pose the alternative energy sources?

33.         What are the main types of industry?

34.         What are the inputs of industry?

35.         What are the outputs of industry?

36.         A synonym for light industry.

37.         What goods does the light industry produce?

38.         What are the principal light industries? Name them.

39.         What does the food industry produce?

40.         What are the differences between light industry and heavy industry?

41.         Where are light industries located? Why?

42.         What does heavy industry make?

43.         What are the principal heavy industries? Name them.

44.         What does capital goods industry produce?

45.         Where are heavy industries located? Why?

46.         Explain how the Ford Motor company produced its goods.

47.         Explain the globalization of the economy in the industrial sector.

48.         Explain the high-technology industries.

49.         Explain how the science and technology parks work today.

50.         Look at the map. What is the leading industrial power in the world?

51.         Look at the map. What is the second-most industrialized country in the world?

52.         Look at the map. What are the ‘Asian tigers’?

53.         Look at the map. What Indian town is important for world software industry?

54.         Look at the map. What are the main Brazilian industrial towns?

55.         Look at the map. What industrial regions exist in the U.S.A.?

56.         What are the common characteristics in industrial developed countries?

57.         What are the common characteristics in BRIC countries?

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

9. The inter-war years

Es obligatorio leer los textos y ver los videos de las entradas de blog intercaladas.

1.    What were the Roaring Twenties?

2.    What was the Great Depression?

3.    What is a regime?

4.    What is a democracy?

5.    How is an authoritarian regime?

6.    How is a totalitarian regime?

7.    Why type of regime was the Spanish Second Republic?

8.    Short definition of Spanish Civil War. How long did it last?

9.    What were the causes of economic crisis in Europe in the early 1920s?

10.              What were the characteristics of economic crisis in Europe in the early 1920s?

11.              Explain the German economic situation in the early 1920s?

12.              What were the three causes of American economic recovery from the crisis?

13.              What were the economic aspects of the Roaring Twenties?

14.              What new forms of entertainment emerged in the Roaring Twenties?

15.              What are household appliances?

16.              How did the speculation work during the Twenties?

17.              What three elements helped to form the Great Depression?

18.              Explain overproduction before the Great Depression.

19.              Explain falling consumption before the Great Depression.

20.              Explain The Wall Street Crash before the Great Depression.

21.              Why did the Great Depression expand to Europe?

22.              What were the first effects of the depression in Europe?

23.              How was the world trade in the Great Depression?

24.              What was the Weimar Republic?

25.              Were the European democracies right on our eyes? Explain it.

26.              Why were there more Socialist and Communist deputies in European Parliaments during the Twenties and Thirties?

27.              Short definition of inter-war period.

28.              What are the left-wing political views?

29.              What are the right-wing political views?

30.              What were the differences between Labour Party (Great Britain) or Social Democratic Party (Germany) and Communist parties in Europe?

31.              Explain the Republican Party.

32.              Explain the Democratic Party.

33.              What is an American administration?

34.              Why were Republican administrations elected during the Twenties?

35.              What is an isolationist policy?

36.              Explain the New Deal with detail.


37.              What’s a social insurance system?