sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Unit 9. The EU secondary sector

1.             What are the main problems in the European mining sector?

2.             What are the effects of problems in the European mining sector?

3.             Look at the diagrams. What European country is the principal producer of energy minerals?

4.             Look at the diagrams. What country is the second largest producer of crude oil in Europe?

5.             Look at the map. How many people work in the industry in Spain? Say it in millions, please.

6.             Look at the chart. What is the most industrialized EU country?

7.             Look at the chart. What position does Spain occupy on the chart?

8.             What percentage of EU population work in industry?

9.             What are the most important EU industries?

10.         Why is industrial employment decreasing in Western Europe?

11.         How is the industry in Eastern Europe today?

12.         What are the challenges facing EU industries?

13.         What are the results of co-operation between EU enterprises?

14.         What mining products are not sufficient to cover Spain’s needs?

15.         Why does Spain have a shortage of energy resources?

16.         What is the most-consumed energy in Spain? What countries are our suppliers?

17.         What is the situation of nuclear energy in Spain?

18.         Why had Spanish coal production declined in the last years?

19.         Look at the map. Mention in alphabetical order the Spanish towns with refineries.

20.         Look at the map. What Spanish nuclear plants are closed?

21.         Look at the map. From which Spanish town does the pipeline with Algerian oil come?

22.         Look at the diagram. What renewable energy was most consumed in Spain in 2010?

23.         Look at the diagram. What renewable energy was least consumed in Spain in 2010?

24.         Look at the time line. Why did the industrial process begin later in Spain than in Great Britain or France?

25.         Look at the time line. Where was Spanish industry concentrated at the beginning of 20th century?

26.         Look at the time line. When did Spanish industry recover from Spanish Civil War destructions?

27.         Look at the time line. What were the Spanish industry weak points at 1970?

28.         Look at the time line. Explain the Spanish industry second restructuring at 1990s.

29.         Look at the map 13. What are the Spanish communities most industrialized?

30.         Look at the map 13. What are the Spanish communities least industrialized?

31.         Look at the map 13. In which products is Andalusian industry specialized?

32.         Look at the map 12. What are the Spanish large industrial centers?

33.         Look at the map 12. What is the name of industrial region from Girona/Gerona to Murcia?

34.         Look at the map 12. What is the name of industrial region from Bilbao to Barcelona?

35.         Look at the map 12. What are the areas of urgent reindustrialization in Spain?

36.         How could Spain modernize its industries in 1980s and 1990s?

37.         What are the weaknesses of Spanish industry?

38.         Is Spain an industrial power? Why?

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