domingo, 20 de enero de 2013



1. What is economic activity?
What are economic activities?
What are the three phases of economic activity?
What is production?
What is distribution?
What is consumption?
What is barter? Give two examples.
Where and when were the first metal coins made?
Where and when did paper money appear?
When was the paper money used in Europe?
What do you use if you don't have cash?


2. What are economic activities?

1.      What are the activities in the primary sector?

2.      What are the activities in the secondary sector?

3.      What are the activities in the tertiary sector?

4.      Is fishing an activity of the service sector? Why?


3. Who contributes to economic activity?

1.      What three factors contribute to economic activity?

2.      What are the people’s functions in economic activity? Short answer.

3.      How do people participate in production?

4.      What is the companies’ objective for producing goods and services?

5.      People work in exchange for…

6.      Fill in the blanks:

Limited company, private, public, sole proprietorship, state-owned


Ownership of companies
Privately-owned companies
A company is owned by the government
A company is owned by shares buyers
A company is owned by a person


7.      How do we calculate a company’s profit?

8.      What are the economic functions of the state?


4. What makes production possible?                                      

1.      What are the production factors?

2.      What are the renewable resources?

3.      What are the non-renewable resources?

4.      What is capital in a company?

5.      What is physical capital?

6.      What is human capital?

7.      What is financial capital?

8.      Why does productivity increase? Hard question. Three points.

9.      What are the differences between manual methods and mechanical procedures? Hard question. Three points.

10.  How can technological advances help companies?

11.  What factors are necessary to achieve a modern and competitive economy in a country?

12.  What is know-how?

13.  The work is necessary to…

14.  How do we measure the productivity of a worker?

15.  What are the productivity factors?


5. Population and work.

1.      Who is the economically active population?

2.      What is the difference between employed people and unemployed people?

3.      What are another two characteristics of unemployed people?

4.      Who is the economically inactive population?

5.      What are the types of paid employment? Short answer.

6.      What is an employment contract? Difficult question. Three points.

7.      What conditions are included in an employment agreement?

8.      What concept regulates the working conditions?

9.      Who are represented by confederations of employers?

10.  Who are represented by labor unions?

11.  What concept represents the workers in Panrico factory?

12.  Why does cyclical unemployment occur?

13.  Why does seasonal unemployment occur?

14.  Why does structural unemployment occur?

15.  Why does technological unemployment occur?

16.  What are the negative effects of the unemployment? Short answer.

17.  What is the underground economy?

18.  What are the demographic effects of unemployment?


6. How are economic activities organized?

1.      An economic system is a method to organize…

2.      What are the main economic systems in the world?

3.      Definition of subsistence systems. Short answer.

4.      What do the people do at local markets in subsistence systems?

5.      A synonym for communist systems.

6.      Who is the owner of the means of production in communist systems?

7.      Who organizes the economy in centrally-planned systems? How does it work? Hard question.

8.      Which countries live nowadays in communist systems?

9.      A synonym for free market system?

10.  What are the main characteristics of the free market system?

11.  What are the means of production?

12.  Why is private profit important for economic activity in capitalist systems?

13.  How does the law of supply and demand work?

14.  What is the meaning of free competition in capitalist system?

15.  What is a monopoly? Not the game, please.

16.  What is an oligopoly?

17.  Why do monopolies and oligopolies break the law of supply and demand?

18.  How does the free competition in the free market affect the prices?

19.  Why do the prices increase when the demand increases?

20.  What is the most widespread economic system?

21.  The mixed system includes aspects of ……………………………… plus a …................................

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